- Abel Brodeur (Université d’Ottawa) :
“Terrorism and Employment: Evidence from Successful and Failed Terror Attacks”
Vendredi / Friday 4 décembre 2015, 15 h 00, local DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Marie Connolly
- Yosh Halberstam (University of Toronto) :
“Homophily, Group Size, and the Diffusion of Political Information in Social Networks: Evidence from Twitter” (avec Brian Knight)
Vendredi / Friday 27 novembre 2015, 15 h 00, local DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Arianna Degan - Derek Messacar (Statistiques Canada) :
“The Crowd-out Effects and Welfare Implications of Retirement Savings Nudges”
Vendredi / Friday 20 novembre 2015, 15 h 00, local DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Pierre-Carl Michaud - Lars Vilhuber (Cornell University) :
“Economics and the economics of privacy: new methods of accessing new data”.
Mercredi / Wednesday 11 novembre 2015, 15 h 00, DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Marie Connolly - Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University) :
“Credit Supply and the Housing Boom”
Jeudi / Thursday 5 novembre 2015, 15 h 00, local DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Dalibor Stevanovic
- Teresa C. Fort (Dartmouth Tuck School of Business) :
“The Margins of Global Sourcing: Theory and Evidence from U.S. Firms”Theory and Evidence from U.S. Firms”Theory and Evidence from U.S. Firms”
Vendredi / Friday 30 octobre 2015, 15 h 00, local DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Julien Martin - Keith Schnakenberg (University of Kentucky) :
“Informational Lobbying and Legislative Voting”
Vendredi / Friday 23 octobre 2015, 15 h 00, local DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Arnaud Dellis - Maria Paganelli (Trinity University) :
“Recent Engagements with Adam Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment”
Vendredi / Fryday 9 cotobre 2015, 15 h 00, local DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Till Düppe - Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde (University of Pennsylvania) :
“The Pruned State-Space System for Non-Linear DSGE Models: Theory and Empirical Applications”
Vendredi / Friday 2 octobre 2015, 15 h 00, local DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Dalibor Stevanovic
- Ross B. Emmett (James Madison College) :
“Malthus with Institutions A Comparative Analysis of Prudential Restraint”
Vendredi / Friday 25 septembre 2015, 15 h 00, local DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Till Düppe - Frank Schorfheide (University of Pennsylvania) :
“Sequential Monte Carlo Methods (Squared!) for DSGE Models”
Ce séminaire fait partie des Séminaires d’économétrie de Montréal
Vendredi / Friday 18 septembre 2015, 15 h 00, local DS-5650
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Dalibor Stevanovic
- Aucun séminaire.
- Aucun séminaire.
- Aucun séminaire.
- Alexei Onatski (University of Cambridge) :
“Testing in high-dimensional spiked models”.
Mercredi / Wednesday 6 mai 2015, 15 h 30, local R-5460
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Dalibor Stevanovic
- Diego Restuccia (University of Toronto) : ANNULÉ
“Predicting the VIX and the Volatility Risk Premium: What’s Credit and Commodity Volatility Risk Got to Do with It”
Vendredi / Friday 24 avril 2015, 15 h 00, local R-5460
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Pavel Sevcik - Donald Davis (Columbia University) :
“Spatial and Social Frictions in the City: Evidence from Yelp”avec Jonathan Dingel (Chicago Booth), Eduardo Morales (Princeton), et Joan Monras (Sciences Po).
Vendredi / Friday 17 avril 2015, 15 h 00, local R-5460
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Kristian Behrens - Eric Ghysels (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) :
“Predicting the VIX and the Volatility Risk Premium: What’s Credit and Commodity Volatility Risk Got to Do with It?”
Vendredi / Friday 10 avril 2015, 15 h 00, R-5460
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Dalibor Stevanivic
- Sumon Majumdar (Queen’s University) :
“The Leader as Catalyst”
Vendredi / Friday 27 mars 2015, 15 h 00, local R-5460
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Jean-Denis Garon - Stéphane Méchoulan (Dalhousie University) :
“Intra-Household Allocation of Family Resources and Birth Order: Evidence from France Using Siblings Data”
Vendredi / Friday 20 mars 2015, 15 h 00, local R-5460
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Pierre Lasserre - François Lango (Paris School of Economics) :
“Aggregate Employment, Job Polarization and Inequalities: A Transatlantic Perspective”
Vendredi / Friday 13 mars 2015, 15 h 00, local R-5460
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Raquel Fonseca
- François Gardes (Université Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne) :
“Labor supply, Consumption and Domestic Production : A New Method to Estimate Labor Supply Elasticities“
Vendredi / Friday 27 février 2015, 15 h 00, local R-5460
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Philip Merrigan - John Roemer (Yale University) :
“How We Cooperate … Perhaps”
Vendredi / Friday 20 février 2015, 15 h 00, local R-5460
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Marie-Louise Leroux - Philippe de Donder (Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) et professeur invité, Département des sciences économiques, UQAM) :
“Adverse Selection vs Discrimination Risk with Genetic Testing. An Experimental Approach”
Vendredi / Friday 13 février 2015, 15 h 00, local R-5460
Personne responsable / Faculty in Charge : Marie-Louise Leroux
- Aucun séminaire.