Robert Leonard remporte le Prix The Craufurd Goodwin Best Article Prize de la History of Economics Society pour son article : “E. F. Schumacher and the making of ´Buddhist Economics´, 1950-1973”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 41, No. 2, June 2019, pp. 159-186. (Lien vers l’article).
Voilà la citation du Comité : ''Robert Leonard tells us a beautiful story about a conventional German émigré economist, Ernst F Schumacher, who turned from an enthusiast in progress and economic growth to a critic of Western modernity. His three-month experience in Burma as a United Nations consultant, as well as his extensive study of Buddhism, shaped his work thereafter. This is reflected in his best-seller Small is beautiful: A study of economics as if people mattered, published in 1973. Based on a widespread archival and bibliographical review, the article leads the reader to engage in contemporary debates on modernity, organic agriculture and the role of technology”.
Le prix sera présenté au Congrès annuel de la HES à Utrecht en 2021.
Juillet 2020